The root interface in the collection hierarchy. A collection represents a group of objects, known as its elements. Some collections allow duplicate elements and others do not. Some are ordered and others unordered. The JDK does not provide any direct implementations of this interface: it provides implementations of more specific subinterfaces like Set and List.
boolean add(E e) //向集合中添加一个元素,若添加元素后集合发生了变化就返回true,若没有发生变化,就返回false。(optional operation).
boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) //添加给定集合c中的所有元素到该集合中(optional operation).
void clear() //(optional operation).
boolean contains(Object o) //判断该集合中是否包含指定对象
boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
boolean equals(Object o)
int hashCode()
boolean isEmpty()
Iterator<E> iterator()
boolean remove(Object o) //移除给定对象的一个实例(有的具体集合类型允许重复元素) (optional operation).
boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) //(optional operation).
boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) //仅保留给定集合c中的元素(optional operation).
int size()
Object[] toArray()
<T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
我们注意到有些方法后面注释中标注了“optional operation”,意思是Collection接口的实现类究竟需不需要实现这个方法视具体情况而定。比如有些具体的集合类型不允许向其中添加对象那么就可以不实现add方法。
提枪策马乘胜追击04-21 20:01
代码小兵92504-17 16:07
代码小兵98804-25 13:57
杨晶珍05-11 14:54