Class HibernateGridDataSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HibernateGridDataSource
    implements GridDataSource
    A simple implementation of GridDataSource based on a Hibernate Session and a known entity class. This implementation does support multiple sort constraints; however it assumes a direct mapping from sort constraint property to Hibernate property. This class is not thread-safe; it maintains internal state. Typically, an instance of this object is created fresh as needed (that is, it is not stored between requests).
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      HibernateGridDataSource​(org.hibernate.Session session,  entityType)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void applyAdditionalConstraints​(org.hibernate.Criteria crit)
      Invoked after the main criteria has been set up (firstResult, maxResults and any sort contraints).
      int getAvailableRows()
      Returns the total number of rows for the configured entity type.
      Returns the entity type, as provided via the constructor.
      getRowValue​(int index)
      Returns a row value at the given index (which must be within the range defined by the call to prepare(int, int, java.util.List) ).
      void prepare​(int startIndex, int endIndex, <SortConstraint> sortConstraints)
      Prepares the results, performing a query (applying the sort results, and the provided start and end index).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

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    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • prepare

        public void prepare​(int startIndex,
                            int endIndex,
                            <SortConstraint> sortConstraints)
        Prepares the results, performing a query (applying the sort results, and the provided start and end index). The results can later be obtained from getRowValue(int) }.
        Specified by:
        prepare in interface GridDataSource
        startIndex - index, from zero, of the first item to be retrieved
        endIndex - index, from zero, of the last item to be retrieved
        sortConstraints - zero or more constraints used to set the order of the returned values
      • applyAdditionalConstraints

        protected void applyAdditionalConstraints​(org.hibernate.Criteria crit)
        Invoked after the main criteria has been set up (firstResult, maxResults and any sort contraints). This gives subclasses a chance to apply additional constraints before the list of results is obtained from the criteria. This implementation does nothing and may be overridden.
      • getRowType

        public  getRowType()
        Returns the entity type, as provided via the constructor.
        Specified by:
        getRowType in interface GridDataSource
        the row type, or null