Interface InternalComponentResourcesCommon

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void  parameterName, Binding binding)
      Used during construction of the page to identify the binding for a particular parameter.
      Binding  parameterName)
      Returns the binding for the given parameter name, or null.
      <,​Binding> getInformalParameterBindings()
      Constructs a map linking informal parameters to the corresponding bindings.
      Component  mixinClassName)
      Returns the mixin instance for the fully qualfied mixin class name.
      boolean isLoaded()
      Returns true if the component has finished loading.
    • Method Detail

      • bindParameter

        void  parameterName,
                           Binding binding)
        Used during construction of the page to identify the binding for a particular parameter.
      • getBinding

        Returns the binding for the given parameter name, or null.
        parameterName - name of component parameter
        binding if bound, or null
      • getMixinByClassName

        Returns the mixin instance for the fully qualfied mixin class name.
        mixinClassName - fully qualified class name
        IllegalArgumentException if no such mixin is associated with the core component
      • getInformalParameterBindings

        Constructs a map linking informal parameters to the corresponding bindings.
        map, possible empty