Interface ComponentClassCache

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ComponentClassCache
    A cache for converting between class names and component (or other) classes. For component classes, ensures that the class is the transformed class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Computes the default value for a field of the given type, returns the appropriate default value.
      Gets the Class instance for the given fully-qualified class name.
    • Method Detail

      • forName

        Gets the Class instance for the given fully-qualified class name.
        className - fully qualified class name, or a primitive type name, or an array name (in source format)
        the class instance
      • defaultValueForType

        Computes the default value for a field of the given type, returns the appropriate default value. This is typically null, but may be false (for a primitive boolean) or some version of 0 (for a primitive numeric field). Wrapper types will still be null.
        className - type of field