Interface ContributionDef

    • Method Detail

      • getServiceId

        Identifies the service contributed to.
      • contribute

        void contribute​(ModuleBuilderSource moduleSource,
                        ServiceResources resources,
                        Configuration configuration)
        Performs the work needed to contribute into the standard, unordered configuration.
        moduleSource - the source, if needed, of the module instance associated with the contribution
        resources - allows access to services visible to the module
        configuration - the unordered configuration into which values should be loaded. This instance will encapsulate all related error checks (such as passing of nulls or inappropriate classes).
      • contribute

        void contribute​(ModuleBuilderSource moduleSource,
                        ServiceResources resources,
                        OrderedConfiguration configuration)
        Performs the work needed to contribute into the ordered configuration.
        moduleSource - the source, if needed, of the module instance associated with the contribution
        resources - allows access to services visible to the module
        configuration - the ordered configuration into which values should be loaded. This instance will encapsulate all related error checks (such as passing of nulls or inappropriate classes).
      • contribute

        void contribute​(ModuleBuilderSource moduleSource,
                        ServiceResources resources,
                        MappedConfiguration configuration)
        Performs the work needed to contribute into the mapped configuration.
        moduleSource - the source, if needed, of the module instance associated with the contribution
        resources - allows access to services visible to the module
        configuration - the mapped configuration into which values should be loaded. This instance will encapsulate all related error checks (such as passing of null keys or values or inappropriate classes, or duplicate keys).