Class ModuleImpl

    • Method Detail

      • getService

        public <T> T  serviceId,
                                <T> serviceInterface)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Locates a service given a service id and the corresponding service interface type.
        Specified by:
        getService in interface Module
        serviceId - identifies the service to access
        serviceInterface - the interface the service implements
        the service's proxy
      • findMatchingDecoratorDefs

        public <DecoratorDeffindMatchingDecoratorDefs​(ServiceDef serviceDef)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Iterates over any decorator definitions defined by the module and returns those that apply to the provided service definition.
        Specified by:
        findMatchingDecoratorDefs in interface Module
        serviceDef - for which decorators are being assembled
        set of decorators, possibly empty (but not null)
      • findMatchingServiceAdvisors

        public <AdvisorDeffindMatchingServiceAdvisors​(ServiceDef serviceDef)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Iterates over any advisor definitions defined by the module and returns those that apply to the provided service definition.
        Specified by:
        findMatchingServiceAdvisors in interface Module
        serviceDef - for which advisors are being assembled
        set of advisors, possibly empty but not null
      • findServiceIdsForInterface

        public <>  serviceInterface)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Locates the ids of all services that implement the provided service interface, or whose service interface is assignable to the provided service interface (is a super-class or super-interface).
        Specified by:
        findServiceIdsForInterface in interface Module
        serviceInterface - the interface to search for
        a collection of service ids
      • collectEagerLoadServices

        public void <EagerLoadServiceProxy> proxies)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Locates services with the EagerLoad annotation and generates proxies for them, then adds them to the proxies list for instantiation.
        Specified by:
        collectEagerLoadServices in interface Module
        proxies - collection of proxies to which any eager load services in the module should be added
      • getServiceDef

        public  serviceId)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Returns the service definition for the given service id.
        Specified by:
        getServiceDef in interface Module
        serviceId - unique id for the service (caseless)
        the service definition or null
      • getLoggerName

        public  getLoggerName()
        Description copied from interface: Module
        Returns the name used to obtain a logger for the module. Services within the module suffix this with a period and the service id.
        Specified by:
        getLoggerName in interface Module
        module logger name
      • toString

        public  toString()
         in class