Class SingletonServiceLifecycle

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      createService​(ServiceResources resources, ObjectCreator creator)
      Returns the same creator, or a new one, that encapsulates the creation of the core service implementation.
      boolean isSingleton()
      Returns true if the lifecycle is a singleton (a service that will only be created once).
      boolean requiresProxy()
      If true, then lifecycle requires a proxy, meaning it is only usable with services that properly define a service interface.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

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    • Method Detail

      • createService

        public  createService​(ServiceResources resources,
                                    ObjectCreator creator)
        Description copied from interface: ServiceLifecycle
        Returns the same creator, or a new one, that encapsulates the creation of the core service implementation.
        Specified by:
        createService in interface ServiceLifecycle
        resources - source of information about the service to be created, and source of additional services or other resources that may be needed when constructing the core service implementation
        creator - object capable of creating the service implementation on demand. This is a wrapper around the service's builder method.
        the service or equivalent service proxy
      • isSingleton

        public boolean isSingleton()
        Description copied from interface: ServiceLifecycle
        Returns true if the lifecycle is a singleton (a service that will only be created once). Return false if the underlying service instance may be created multiple times (for example, the ScopeConstants.PERTHREAD scope}. A future version of Tapestry IoC may optimize for the later case.
        Specified by:
        isSingleton in interface ServiceLifecycle
        true for singletons, false for services that can be repeatedly constructed
      • requiresProxy

        public boolean requiresProxy()
        Description copied from interface: ServiceLifecycle2
        If true, then lifecycle requires a proxy, meaning it is only usable with services that properly define a service interface. The default (singleton) scope does not require a proxy, but most other service scopes do. The default (when wrapping a ServiceLifecycle as a ServiceLifecycle2 is to return true.
        Specified by:
        requiresProxy in interface ServiceLifecycle2
        true if proxying is necessary, false otherwise