Class PlasticManager

    • Method Detail

      • withClassLoader

        public static  loader)
        Creates a new builder using the specified class loader.
      • getClassLoader

        public  getClassLoader()
        Returns the ClassLoader that is used to instantiate transformed classes. The parent class loader of the returned class loader is the context class loader, or the class loader specified by withClassLoader(ClassLoader).
        class loader used to load classes in controlled packages
      • getClassInstantiator

        public <T>  className)
        Gets the ClassInstantiator for the indicated class, which must be in a transformed package.
        className - fully qualified class name
        instantiator (configured via the delegate for the class
        - if the class is not a transformed class
      • createClass

        public <T> <T> baseClass,
                                                    PlasticClassTransformer callback)
        Creates an entirely new class, extending from the provided base class.
        baseClass - class to extend from, which must be a class, not an interface
        callback - used to configure the new class
        the instantiator, which allows instances of the new class to be created
      • createProxy

        public <T> <T> interfaceType,
                                                    PlasticClassTransformer callback)
        Creates an entirely new class. The class extends from Object and implements the provided interface.
        interfaceType - class to extend from, which must be a class, not an interface
        callback - used to configure the new class
        the instantiator, which allows instances of the new class to be created
        See Also:
        createProxyTransformation(Class, Class)
      • createProxy

        public <T> <T> interfaceType,
                                                    PlasticClassTransformer callback,
                                                    boolean introduceInterface)
        Creates an entirely new class. The class extends from Object and implements the provided interface.
        interfaceType - class to extend from, which must be a class, not an interface
        callback - used to configure the new class
        the instantiator, which allows instances of the new class to be created
        See Also:
        createProxyTransformation(Class, Class)
      • createProxy

        public <T> <T> interfaceType,
                                                    <? extends T> implementationType,
                                                    PlasticClassTransformer callback)
        Creates an entirely new class. The class extends from Object and implements the provided interface.
        interfaceType - class to extend from, which must be a class, not an interface
        implementationType - class that implements interfaceType. It can be null.
        callback - used to configure the new class
        the instantiator, which allows instances of the new class to be created
        See Also:
        createProxyTransformation(Class, Class)
      • createProxy

        public <T> <T> interfaceType,
                                                    <? extends T> implementationType,
                                                    PlasticClassTransformer callback,
                                                    boolean introduceInterface)
        Creates an entirely new class. The class extends from Object and implements the provided interface.
        interfaceType - class to extend from, which must be a class, not an interface
        implementationType - class that implements interfaceType. It can be null.
        callback - used to configure the new class
        introduceInterface - whether to introduce the interface to the Plastic class or not.
        the instantiator, which allows instances of the new class to be created
        See Also:
        createProxyTransformation(Class, Class)
      • createProxyTransformation

        public <T>  interfaceType,
        Returns createProxyTransformation(interfaceType, implementationType, true)
      • createProxyTransformation

        public <T>  interfaceType,
                                                                           boolean introduceInterface)
        Creates the underlying PlasticClassTransformation for an interface proxy. This should only be used in the cases where encapsulating the PlasticClass construction into a callback is not feasible (which is the case for some of the older APIs inside Tapestry IoC).
        interfaceType - class proxy will extend from
        implementationType - class that implements interfaceType. It can be null.
        introduceInterface - whether result.getPlasticClass().introduceInterface(interfaceType); should be called or not.
        transformation from which an instantiator may be created