Interface ComponentClassResolver

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ComponentClassResolver
    Resolves page names and component types to fully qualified class names. Pages and components may be provided by the application or inside a mapped package. Page names often appear inside URLs, and component types often appear in component templates (when specifying the type of an embedded component). The service is configured using a collection of LibraryMappings. Each mapping maps a prefix, such as "core" to a root package name, such as "org.apache.tapestry5.corelib". The root package is expected to have sub-packages: "pages", "components", "mixins" and "base" ("base" is for base classes). The resolver performs a search of the classpath (via ClassNameLocator), to build up a set of case-insensitive maps from logical page name, component type, or mixin type to fully qualified class name. Certain ambiguities occur if mapped packages overlap, either in terms of the the prefixes or the package names. Keep things clearly separate to avoid lookup problems.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Returns the canonical form of a page name.
      <> getComponentNames()
      Returns a list of all component names, in sorted order.
      <,​ControlledPackageType> getControlledPackageMapping()
      Used to identify which packages are controlled packages (from which components are loaded).
      <,​> getFolderToPackageMapping()
      A mapping from virtual folder name to a package name (used for converting classpath Assets to client URLs).
      <LibraryMapping> getLibraryMappings()
      Returns the library mappings.
      Given a class name of a component class, returns the library name (as defined by a contributed library name).
      <> getLibraryNames()
      Returns the names of all libraries (as configured).
      <> getMixinNames()
      Returns a list of all mixin names, in sorted order.
      <> getPageNames()
      Returns a list of all page names, in sorted order.
      boolean  pageClassName)
      Returns true if the class name is specifically a page class, and not a component, mixin or base class.
      boolean  pageName)
      For a particular path, determines if the path is a logical page name.
      Converts a component type (a logical component name such as might be used inside a template or annotation) into a fully qualified class name.
      Converts a logical mixin type (as with component types) into a fully qualified class name.
      Converts a fully qualified page class name into a page name (often, for inclusion as part of the URI).
      Converts a logical page name (such as might be encoded into a URL) into a fully qualified class name.
    • Method Detail

      • resolvePageNameToClassName

        Converts a logical page name (such as might be encoded into a URL) into a fully qualified class name. The case of the page name is irrelevant.
        pageName - page name
        fully qualified class name for the page
        UnknownValueException - if the name does not match a known page class
      • isPageName

        boolean  pageName)
        For a particular path, determines if the path is a logical page name. The check is case insensitive.
        pageName - potential logical page name
        true if the page name is valid
      • getPageNames

        <> getPageNames()
        Returns a list of all page names, in sorted order. These are the "canonical" page names.
      • resolvePageClassNameToPageName

        Converts a fully qualified page class name into a page name (often, for inclusion as part of the URI). This value may later be passed to resolvePageNameToClassName(String).
        pageClassName - fully qualified name of a page class
        equivalent logical page name
        - if the name can not be resolved
      • canonicalizePageName

        Returns the canonical form of a page name. The canonical form uses character case matching the underlying class name.
        UnknownValueException - if the page name does not match a logical page name
      • resolveComponentTypeToClassName

        Converts a component type (a logical component name such as might be used inside a template or annotation) into a fully qualified class name. Case is ignored in resolving the name.
        componentType - a logical component type
        fully qualified class name
        UnknownValueException - if the component type can not be resolved
      • resolveMixinTypeToClassName

        Converts a logical mixin type (as with component types) into a fully qualified class name. Case is ignored when resolving the name.
        mixinType - a logical mixin type
        fully qualified class name
        UnknownValueException - if the mixin type can not be resolved
      • getFolderToPackageMapping

        <,​> getFolderToPackageMapping()
        A mapping from virtual folder name to a package name (used for converting classpath Assets to client URLs). This is derived from the contributed LibraryMappings. It is allowed to contribute multiple root packages as a single folder name. In this case, the best common package name is used. For example, if both com.example.main and com.example.extras is mapped to folder "example", then the package mapping for "example" will be com.example.
        See Also:
      • getLibraryNames

        <> getLibraryNames()
        Returns the names of all libraries (as configured). This does not include the application itself (which is a library with the virtual path of empty string).
        sorted names of libraries
      • getControlledPackageMapping

        Used to identify which packages are controlled packages (from which components are loaded). Future expansion may allow for additional packages which are live reloaded but not components (or perhaps are transformed, but not as components).
        a mapping from package name to ControlledPackageType.
      • isPage

        boolean  pageClassName)
        Returns true if the class name is specifically a page class, and not a component, mixin or base class.
        pageClassName -
        true if a page class
      • getLibraryNameForClass

        Given a class name of a component class, returns the library name (as defined by a contributed library name).
        className -
        library name
        - if the class can't be matched to a contributed root package