Interface FieldValidatorSource

    • Method Detail

      • createValidator

        FieldValidator createValidator​(Field field,
        Creates the validator. The error message associated with the field validator usually comes from the global message catalog (using the validator's message key). However, if the container component of the field defines a message key id-validator (where id is the simple id of the field component, and validator is the validatorType), then that message is used instead. This allows you to override the message for a particular validation of a particular field.
        field - the field for which a validator is to be created
        validatorType - used to select the Validator that forms the core of the FieldValidator
        constraintValue - a value used to configure the validator, or null if the validator is not configurarable
        the field validator for the field
      • createValidator

        FieldValidator createValidator​(Field field,
                                       Messages overrideMessages,
        Full featured version of createValidator(Field, String, String) used in situations where the container of the field is not necessarily the place to look for override messages, and the id of the field is not the key to use when checking. The BeanEditForm is an example of this.
        field - the field for which a validator is to be created
        validatorType - used to select the Validator that forms the core of the FieldValidator
        constraintValue - a value used to configure the validator, or null if the validator is not configurable
        overrideId - the base id used when searching for validator message overrides (this would normally be the field component's simple id)
        overrideMessages - the message catalog to search for override messages (this would normally be the catalog for the container of the field component)
        locale - ignored, starting in 5.3 (it is allowed to pass null). Locale was needed in release 5.2 and earlier.
        the field validator for the field
      • createValidators

        FieldValidator createValidators​(Field field,
        Creates a set of validators. The specification is a string used to identify and configure the individual validators. The specification is a comma-separated list of terms. Each term is a validator type name and an optional constraint value (separated by an equals sign).
        field -
        specification -
        a composite field validator