Interface PageRenderLinkSource

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Link  pageClass)
      Creates a page render link using the page's class to identify the target page, and using the pages normal passivation context (if it has one).
      Link  pageName)
      Creates a page render link using the page's normal passivation context (if it has one).
      Link  pageClass, ... context)
      Creates a page render link using the page's class to identify the target page, and using an override of the page's passivation context (possibly an empty one).
      Link  pageClass, EventContext eventContext)
      Creates a page render link using the page's class to identify the target page, and using an override of the page's passivation context
      Link  pageName, ... context)
      Creates a page render link using an override of the page's passivation context (possibly an empty one).
      Link  pageName, EventContext eventContext)
      Creates a page render link using an override of the page's passivation context.
    • Method Detail

      • createPageRenderLink

        Creates a page render link using the page's normal passivation context (if it has one).
        pageName - name of page to create link to
        render link for the page
      • createPageRenderLinkWithContext

                                             ... context)
        Creates a page render link using an override of the page's passivation context (possibly an empty one).
        pageName - name of page to create link to
        context - zero or more values to encode as the passiviation context
        render link for the page
      • createPageRenderLinkWithContext

                                             EventContext eventContext)
        Creates a page render link using an override of the page's passivation context.
        pageName - name of page to create link to
        eventContext - the EventContext to encode as the passiviation context
        render link for the page
      • createPageRenderLink

        Creates a page render link using the page's class to identify the target page, and using the pages normal passivation context (if it has one).
        pageClass -
        render link for the page
      • createPageRenderLinkWithContext

                                             ... context)
        Creates a page render link using the page's class to identify the target page, and using an override of the page's passivation context (possibly an empty one).
        pageClass -
        context - zero or more values to encode as the passiviation context
        render link for the page
      • createPageRenderLinkWithContext

                                             EventContext eventContext)
        Creates a page render link using the page's class to identify the target page, and using an override of the page's passivation context
        pageClass -
        eventContext - the EventContext to encode as the passiviation context
        render link for the page