Interface URLEncoder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface URLEncoder
    Service used to encode or decode strings that are placed into URLs. This is used as an alternative to UUEncoding. Alphabetics, numbers and some punctuation ("-", "_", ".", ":") are passed through as is, the "$" character is an escape, followed by either another "$", or by a four digit hex unicode number. A null input (not a blank input, but actual null) has a special encoding, "$N". Likewise, the blank string has the special encoding "$B".
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Given a previously encoded string, returns the original input.
      Given an input value containing any characters, returns the input string, or an encoded version of the string (as outlined above).
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        Given an input value containing any characters, returns the input string, or an encoded version of the string (as outlined above).
        input - string to be encoded, which may be null
        encoded version of input
      • decode

        Given a previously encoded string, returns the original input.
        input - encoded string (may not be null)
        decoded input