Interface AssetRequestHandler

    • Method Detail

      • handleAssetRequest

        boolean handleAssetRequest​(Request request,
                                   Response response,
        Given a request targeted (via the handler id) to the specific handler, process the request. The handler is responsible for processing the request, sending back either a bytestream (via Response.getOutputStream(String)) or an error response (via Response.sendError(int, String)). It is the handler's responsibility to allow for client-side caching (possibly sending an response). The handler should return true if it provided a response. If the handler returns false, this indicates that the extra path did not identify a known asset (virtual or otherwise) and the AssetDispatcher service should send a response. Starting in Tapestry 5.4, the handler is informed by the AssetRequestDispatcher whether or not the content should be compressed (this is determined based on information in the URL).
        request - incoming asset request
        response - used to send a response to client
        extraPath - additional path to identify the specific asset
        true if request was handled (and response sent), false if asset not found