Interface ComponentMessagesSource

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ComponentMessagesSource
    Used to connect a Tapestry component to its message catalog, or to obtain the application catalog (that all component message catalogs extend from). The application catalog is defined by the collection of Resources contributed to the service. In general, component libraries will contribute a Resource before the "AppCatalog" resource (representing the application message catalog, WEB-INF/ so that the application can override messages of the component library.
    • Method Detail

      • getMessages

        Messages getMessages​(ComponentModel componentModel,
        Used to obtain a Messages instance for a particular component, within a particular locale. If the component extends from another component, then its localized properties will merge with its parent's properties (with the subclass overriding the super class on any conflicts).
        componentModel -
        locale -
        the message catalog for the component, in the indicated locale
      • getMessages

        Messages getMessages​(ComponentModel componentModel,
                             ComponentResourceSelector selector)
        Used to obtain a Messages instance for a particular component, using a particular selector. If the component extends from another component, then its localized properties will merge with its parent's properties (with the subclass overriding the super class on any conflicts).
        componentModel -
        selector - determined correct version of messages to obtain
        the message catalog for the component, in the indicated selector
      • getApplicationCatalog

        Gets the Messages derived from the application's message catalog.