Interface GenericsResolver

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Get the class represented by the reflected type.
       containingType,  field)
      Analyzes the method in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the method's generic return type.
       containingType,  method)
      Analyzes the method in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the method's generic return type.
       containingClass,  field)
      Analyzes the field in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the field's generic type.
      <?> <?> containingClass,  method)
      Analyzes the method in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the method's generic return type.
       type,  containingType)
      Resolves the type parameter based on the context of the containingType.
    • Method Detail

      • extractGenericFieldType

        Analyzes the field in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the field's generic type. Any parameter information in the generic type is lost, if you want to preserve the type parameters of the return type consider using #getTypeVariableIndex(java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable).
        containingClass - class which either contains or inherited the field
        field - field from which to extract the type
        the class represented by the field's generic type, resolved based on the containingClass.
        See Also:
        extractActualType(java.lang.reflect.Type, java.lang.reflect.Field), resolve(java.lang.reflect.Type,java.lang.reflect.Type), asClass(java.lang.reflect.Type)
      • extractActualType

        Analyzes the method in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the method's generic return type. Any parameter information in the generic return type is lost.
        containingType - Type which is/represents the class that either contains or inherited the method
        method - method from which to extract the generic return type
        the generic type represented by the methods generic return type, resolved based on the containingType.
        See Also:
      • extractActualType

        Analyzes the method in the context of containingClass and returns the Class that is represented by the method's generic return type. Any parameter information in the generic return type is lost.
        containingType - Type which is/represents the class that either contains or inherited the field
        field - field from which to extract the generic return type
        the generic type represented by the methods generic return type, resolved based on the containingType.
        See Also:
      • resolve

        Resolves the type parameter based on the context of the containingType. will be unwrapped to the type argument resolved form the class hierarchy. This may be something other than a simple Class if the type argument is a ParameterizedType for instance (e.g. List<E>; List<Map<Long, String>>, E would be returned as a ParameterizedType with the raw type Map and type arguments Long and String.
        type - the generic type (ParameterizedType, GenericArrayType, WildcardType, TypeVariable) to be resolved
        containingType - the type which his
        the type resolved to the best of our ability.
      • asClass

        Get the class represented by the reflected type. This method is lossy; You cannot recover the type information from the class that is returned. TypeVariable the first bound is returned. If your type variable extends multiple interfaces that information is lost. WildcardType the first lower bound is returned. If the wildcard is defined with upper bounds then Object is returned.
        actualType - a Class, ParameterizedType, GenericArrayType
        the un-parameterized class associated with the type.