Class MethodSignature

  • public class MethodSignature
    A representation of a , identifying the name, return type, parameter types and exception types. Actual Method objects are tied to a particular class, and don't compare well with other otherwise identical Methods from other classes or interface; MethodSignatures are distinct from classes and compare well. Because the intended purpose is to compare methods from interfaces (which are always public and abstract) we don't bother to actually track the modifiers. In addition, at this time, MethodSignature does not distinguish between instance and static methods.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
       returnType,  name, [] parameterTypes, [] exceptionTypes)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean  o)
      Returns true if the other object is an instance of MethodSignature with identical values for return type, name, parameter types and exception types.
      [] getExceptionTypes()
      Returns the exceptions for this method.
      If this signature was created from a method, return that method.
      [] getParameterTypes()
      Returns the parameter types for this method.
      Returns a string consisting of the name of the method and its parameter types.
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isOverridingSignatureOf​(MethodSignature ms)
      Returns true if this signature has the same return type, name and parameters types as the method signature passed in, and this signature's exceptions "trump" (are the same as, or super-implementations of, all exceptions thrown by the other method signature).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

        , , , , , , ,
    • Constructor Detail

      • MethodSignature

        public  returnType,
                               [] parameterTypes,
                               [] exceptionTypes)
      • MethodSignature

        public  m)
    • Method Detail

      • getExceptionTypes

        public [] getExceptionTypes()
        Returns the exceptions for this method. Caution: do not modify the returned array. May return null.
      • getMethod

        public  getMethod()
        If this signature was created from a method, return that method.
      • getParameterTypes

        public [] getParameterTypes()
        Returns the parameter types for this method. May return null. Caution: do not modify the returned array.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
         in class 
      • equals

        public boolean  o)
        Returns true if the other object is an instance of MethodSignature with identical values for return type, name, parameter types and exception types.
         in class 
        See Also:
      • toString

        public  toString()
         in class 
      • getUniqueId

        public  getUniqueId()
        Returns a string consisting of the name of the method and its parameter types. This is similar to toString(), but omits the return type and information about thrown exceptions. A unique id is used by MethodIterator to identify overlapping methods (methods with the same name and parameter types but with different thrown exceptions).
        See Also:
      • isOverridingSignatureOf

        public boolean isOverridingSignatureOf​(MethodSignature ms)
        Returns true if this signature has the same return type, name and parameters types as the method signature passed in, and this signature's exceptions "trump" (are the same as, or super-implementations of, all exceptions thrown by the other method signature).