Class InternalUtils

  • public class InternalUtils
    Utilities used within various internal implementations of the tapestry-ioc module.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <K,​V>
      <K,​<V>> map, K key, V value)
      Adds a value to a specially organized map where the values are lists of objects.
      static  method)
      Converts a method to a user presentable string consisting of the containing class name, the method name, and the short form of the parameter list (the class name of each parameter type, shorn of the package name portion).
      static  method, PlasticProxyFactory proxyFactory)
      Converts a method to a user presentable string using a PlasticProxyFactory to obtain a Location (where possible).
      static ObjectCreator[] calculateParameters​(ObjectLocator locator, InjectionResources resources, [] parameterTypes, [] genericTypes, [][] parameterAnnotations, OperationTracker tracker)  
      static ObjectCreator[]  method, ObjectLocator locator, InjectionResources resources, OperationTracker tracker)  
      static  input)
      Capitalizes a string, converting the first character to uppercase.
      static void  stream)  
      static boolean  input)
      Return true if the input string contains the marker for symbols that must be expanded.
      static <T> ObjectCreator<T> createConstructorConstructionPlan​(OperationTracker tracker, ObjectLocator locator, InjectionResources resources, org.slf4j.Logger logger,  description, <T> constructor)  
      static <T> ObjectCreator<T> createMethodInvocationPlan​(OperationTracker tracker, ObjectLocator locator, InjectionResources resources, org.slf4j.Logger logger,  description,  instance,  method)  
      static  id, Messages messages,  propertyExpression)
      Looks for a label within the messages based on the id.
      static  expression)
      Used to convert a property expression into a key that can be used to locate various resources (Blocks, messages, etc.).
      static <T extends >
      [] annotations, <T> annotationClass)
      Finds a specific annotation type within an array of annotations.
      static  clazz)
      Searches a class for the "best" constructor, the public constructor with the most parameters.
      static  containingClass,  methodName, ... parameterTypes)  
      static <K,​V>
      <K,​V> map, K key)
      Gets a value from a map (which may be null).
      static  annotated)
      Extracts the service id from the passed annotated element.
      static void  object, ObjectLocator locator, InjectionResources resources, OperationTracker tracker)
      Injects into the fields (of all visibilities) when the Inject or InjectService annotations are present.
      static boolean  input)
      Returns true if the input is null, or is a zero length string (excluding leading/trailing whitespace).
      static boolean  input)
      Returns true if the input is an empty collection.
      static boolean  clazz)
      Determines if the indicated class is stored as a locally accessible file (and not, typically, as a file inside a JAR).
      static boolean  input)  
      static boolean  method)
      Returns true if the method provided is a static method.
      static  elements)
      Joins together some number of elements to form a comma separated list.
      static  elements,  separator)
      Joins together some number of elements.
      static  elements)
      Creates a sorted copy of the provided elements, then turns that into a comma separated list.
      static <K,​V>
      <K,​V> map)  
      static  input)
      Searches the string for the final period ('.') character and returns everything after that.
      static Location  location)
      Sniffs the object to see if it is a Location or Locatable.
      static <T extends <T>>
      <? extends T> collection, Predicate<T> predicate)  
      static long nextUUID()
      Generates a unique value for the current execution of the application.
      static [] realizeObjects​(ObjectCreator[] creators)  
      static  input,  pattern,  replacement)  
      static <T> <T> <T> list)  
      static int [] array)
      Returns the size of an object array, or null if the array is empty.
      static int  collection)  
      static <>  map)
      Extracts the string keys from a map and returns them in sorted order.
      static  memberName)
      Strips leading "_" and "$" and trailing "_" from the name.
      static AdvisorDef2 toAdvisorDef2​(AdvisorDef advisor)  
      static AnnotationProvider  element)  
      static AnnotationProvider  element)  
      static ContributionDef2 toContributionDef2​(ContributionDef contribution)  
      static ContributionDef3 toContributionDef3​(ContributionDef contribution)  
      static DecoratorDef2 toDecoratorDef2​(DecoratorDef decorator)  
      static <>  e)
      Converts an enumeration (of Strings) into a sorted list of Strings.
      static <S,​T>
      toMapper​(Coercion<S,​T> coercion)
      Wraps a Coercion as a Mapper.
      static  exception)
      Deprecated in 5.4; use ExceptionUtils.toMessage(Throwable) instead.
      static ModuleDef2 toModuleDef2​(ModuleDef md)  
      static ServiceDef2 toServiceDef2​(ServiceDef sd)  
      static ServiceDef3 toServiceDef3​(ServiceDef sd)  
      static ServiceLifecycle2 toServiceLifecycle2​(ServiceLifecycle lifecycle)  
      static  id)
      Capitalizes the string, and inserts a space before each upper case character (or sequence of upper case characters).
      static void  constructor)  
      static void  markerClass)
      Validates that the marker annotation class had a retention policy of runtime.
      static void [] markerClasses)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.

        , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Method Detail

      • asString

        public static   method,
                                      PlasticProxyFactory proxyFactory)
        Converts a method to a user presentable string using a PlasticProxyFactory to obtain a Location (where possible). asString(Method) is used under the covers, to present a detailed, but not excessive, description of the class, method and parameters.
        method - method to convert to a string
        proxyFactory - used to obtain the Location
        the method formatted for presentation to the user
      • asString

        public static   method)
        Converts a method to a user presentable string consisting of the containing class name, the method name, and the short form of the parameter list (the class name of each parameter type, shorn of the package name portion).
        method -
        short string representation
      • size

        public static int [] array)
        Returns the size of an object array, or null if the array is empty.
      • size

        public static int  collection)
      • stripMemberName

        public static   memberName)
        Strips leading "_" and "$" and trailing "_" from the name.
      • toList

        public static <>  e)
        Converts an enumeration (of Strings) into a sorted list of Strings.
      • findAnnotation

        public static <T extends > T [] annotations,
                                                              <T> annotationClass)
        Finds a specific annotation type within an array of annotations.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        annotations - to search
        annotationClass - to match
        the annotation instance, if found, or null otherwise
      • injectIntoFields

        public static void  object,
                                            ObjectLocator locator,
                                            InjectionResources resources,
                                            OperationTracker tracker)
        Injects into the fields (of all visibilities) when the Inject or InjectService annotations are present.
        object - to be initialized
        locator - used to resolve external dependencies
        resources - provides injection resources for fields
        tracker - track operations
      • join

        public static   elements)
        Joins together some number of elements to form a comma separated list.
      • join

        public static   elements,
        Joins together some number of elements. If a value in the list is the empty string, it is replaced with the string "(blank)".
        elements - objects to be joined together
        separator - used between elements when joining
      • joinSorted

        public static   elements)
        Creates a sorted copy of the provided elements, then turns that into a comma separated list.
        the elements converted to strings, sorted, joined with comma ... or "(none)" if the elements are null or empty
      • isBlank

        public static boolean  input)
        Returns true if the input is null, or is a zero length string (excluding leading/trailing whitespace).
      • isEmptyCollection

        public static boolean  input)
        Returns true if the input is an empty collection.
      • isNonBlank

        public static boolean  input)
      • capitalize

        public static   input)
        Capitalizes a string, converting the first character to uppercase.
      • locationOf

        public static  location)
        Sniffs the object to see if it is a Location or Locatable. Returns null if null or not convertable to a location.
      • keys

        public static <K,​V> <K> <K,​V> map)
      • get

        public static <K,​V> V <K,​V> map,
                                        K key)
        Gets a value from a map (which may be null).
        Type Parameters:
        K -
        V -
        map - the map to extract from (may be null)
        key -
        the value from the map, or null if the map is null
      • isStatic

        public static boolean  method)
        Returns true if the method provided is a static method.
      • reverseIterator

        public static <T> <T> <T> list)
      • containsSymbols

        public static boolean  input)
        Return true if the input string contains the marker for symbols that must be expanded.
      • lastTerm

        public static   input)
        Searches the string for the final period ('.') character and returns everything after that. The input string is generally a fully qualified class name, though tapestry-core also uses this method for the occasional property expression (which is also dot separated). Returns the input string unchanged if it does not contain a period character.
      • findAutobuildConstructor

        public static   clazz)
        Searches a class for the "best" constructor, the public constructor with the most parameters. Returns null if there are no public constructors. If there is more than one constructor with the maximum number of parameters, it is not determined which will be returned (don't build a class like that!). In addition, if a constructor is annotated with Inject, it will be used (no check for multiple such constructors is made, only at most a single constructor should have the annotation).
        clazz - to search for a constructor for
        the constructor to be used to instantiate the class, or null if no appropriate constructor was found
      • addToMapList

        public static <K,​V> void <K,​<V>> map,
                                                    K key,
                                                    V value)
        Adds a value to a specially organized map where the values are lists of objects. This somewhat simulates a map that allows multiple values for the same key.
        Type Parameters:
        K - the type of key
        V - the type of the list
        map - to store value into
        key - for which a value is added
        value - to add
      • validateMarkerAnnotation

        public static void  markerClass)
        Validates that the marker annotation class had a retention policy of runtime.
        markerClass - the marker annotation class
      • validateMarkerAnnotations

        public static void [] markerClasses)
      • close

        public static void  stream)
      • toMessage

        public static   exception)
        Deprecated in 5.4; use ExceptionUtils.toMessage(Throwable) instead.
        Extracts the message from an exception. If the exception's message is null, returns the exceptions class name.
        exception - to extract message from
        message or class name
      • validateConstructorForAutobuild

        public static void  constructor)
      • toAnnotationProvider

        public static  element)
      • findMethod

        public static final   containingClass,
                                              ... parameterTypes)
      • matchAndSort

        public static <T extends <T>> <T> <? extends T> collection,
                                                                     Predicate<T> predicate)
      • isLocalFile

        public static boolean  clazz)
        Determines if the indicated class is stored as a locally accessible file (and not, typically, as a file inside a JAR). This is related to automatic reloading of services.
      • nextUUID

        public static long nextUUID()
        Generates a unique value for the current execution of the application. This initial UUID value is not easily predictable; subsequent UUIDs are allocated in ascending series.
      • getServiceId

        public static   annotated)
        Extracts the service id from the passed annotated element. First the ServiceId annotation is checked. If present, its value is returned. Otherwise annotation is checked. If present, its value is returned. If neither of the annotations is present, null value is returned
        annotated - annotated element to get annotations from
      • toAnnotationProvider

        public static  element)
      • sortedKeys

        public static <>  map)
        Extracts the string keys from a map and returns them in sorted order. The keys are converted to strings.
        map - the map to extract keys from (may be null)
        the sorted keys, or the empty set if map is null
      • toUserPresentable

        public static   id)
        Capitalizes the string, and inserts a space before each upper case character (or sequence of upper case characters). Thus "userId" becomes "User Id", etc. Also, converts underscore into space (and capitalizes the following word), thus "user_id" also becomes "User Id".
      • extractIdFromPropertyExpression

        public static   expression)
        Used to convert a property expression into a key that can be used to locate various resources (Blocks, messages, etc.). Strips out any punctuation characters, leaving just words characters (letters, number and the underscore).
        expression - a property expression
        the expression with punctuation removed
      • defaultLabel

        public static   id,
                                          Messages messages,
        Looks for a label within the messages based on the id. If found, it is used, otherwise the name is converted to a user presentable form.
      • replace

        public static   input,