更新时间:2022-01-06 10:40:09 来源:极悦 浏览1535次
本文将java.sql.Statement通过示例向您展示如何使用执行插入、更新、删除和选择 SQL DML 命令。
1.使用java.sql.Statement.execute(String sql)运行insert、update和delete命令。
/* This method can be used to execute insert, update, delete dml command. */
public void executeSql(String ip, int port, String dbName, String userName, String password, String sql)
/* Declare the connection and statement object. */
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
/* Get connection object. */
conn = this.getMySqlConnection(ip, port, dbName, userName, password);
/* Get statement object. */
stmt = conn.createStatement();
/* The method can execute insert, update and delete dml command. */
System.out.println("Execute sql successfuly, " + sql);
}catch(Exception ex)
this.closeDBResource(stmt, conn);
/* Close statement and connection after use, this can avoid resource waste. */
public void closeDBResource(Statement stmt, Connection conn)
stmt = null;
conn = null;
}catch(Exception ex)
2. 插入和返回自动生成的密钥。
对于insert命令,用于java.sql.Statement.execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)插入并返回自增键的值,本例中为id值。
/* Execute insert command and return the auto generated record id. */
public int executeInsertSql(String ip, int port, String dbName, String userName, String password, String sql)
int ret = -1;
/* Declare the connection and statement object. */
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
/* Get connection object. */
conn = this.getMySqlConnection(ip, port, dbName, userName, password);
/* Get statement object. */
stmt = conn.createStatement();
/* The method can execute insert dml command and return auto generated key values. */
stmt.execute(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
ResultSet rs = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
/* Please note the index start from 1 not 0. */
ret = rs.getInt(1);
System.out.println("Execute sql successfuly, " + sql);
}catch(Exception ex)
this.closeDBResource(stmt, conn);
return ret;
3. 执行select SQL 命令。
/* This method can be used to execute select dml command. */
public List executeSelectSql(String ip, int port, String dbName, String userName, String password, String selectSql)
List ret = new ArrayList();
/* Declare the connection and statement object. */
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
/* Get connection object. */
conn = this.getMySqlConnection(ip, port, dbName, userName, password);
/* Get statement object. */
stmt = conn.createStatement();
/* The method can execute select dml command. */
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectSql);
int teacherId = rs.getInt("id");
String teacherName = rs.getString("name");
String teahcerEmail = rs.getString("email");
TeacherDTO teacherDto = new TeacherDTO();
System.out.println("id = " + teacherDto.getId());
System.out.println("name = " + teacherDto.getName());
System.out.println("email = " + teacherDto.getEmail());
System.out.println("Execute sql successfuly, " + selectSql);
}catch(Exception ex)
this.closeDBResource(stmt, conn);
return ret;
package com.dev2qa.java.jdbc;
/* This class represent one record in database teacher table. */
public class TeacherDTO {
private int id;
private String name;
private String email;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
5. 完成示例代码。
这个例子将使用一个 MySQL 数据库test和表老师,老师表有三列,他们是id,name和email。
您可以在 phpMyAdmin 中创建表老师。您需要添加一个名为id的列,类型为int,并选中A_I复选框以使其自动递增。
插入一条记录(你好,hello @dev2qa.com )。
插入另一条记录 (hello1, [email protected] ) 并返回自动生成的记录 ID。
将名称更新为 jerry 使用第二个记录 ID。
删除电子邮件为[email protected] 的记录 。
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Below are db connection required data. */
String ip = "localhost";
int port = 3306;
String dbName = "test";
String userName = "root";
String password = "";
/* Create an instance. */
JDBCStatementExample jdbcStatementExample = new JDBCStatementExample();
/* Insert one record. */
String insertSql = "insert into teacher(name, email) values('hello','[email protected]')";
/* Execute the insert command. */
jdbcStatementExample.executeSql(ip, port, dbName, userName, password, insertSql);
/* Insert another record. */
insertSql = "insert into teacher(name, email) values('hello1','[email protected]')";
/* Execute the insert command. */
int autoGenId = jdbcStatementExample.executeInsertSql(ip, port, dbName, userName, password, insertSql);
/* update record. */
String updateSql = "update teacher set name = 'jerry' where id = " + autoGenId;
/* Execute the update command. */
jdbcStatementExample.executeSql(ip, port, dbName, userName, password, updateSql);
/* select records. */
String selectSql = "select * from teacher";
jdbcStatementExample.executeSelectSql(ip, port, dbName, userName, password, selectSql);
String deleteSql = "delete from teacher where email = '[email protected]'";
jdbcStatementExample.executeSql(ip, port, dbName, userName, password, deleteSql);
/* select records after delete. */
selectSql = "select * from teacher";
jdbcStatementExample.executeSelectSql(ip, port, dbName, userName, password, selectSql);
/* This method return java.sql.Connection object from MySQL server. */
public Connection getMySqlConnection(String ip, int port, String dbName, String userName, String password)
/* Declare and initialize a sql Connection variable. */
Connection ret = null;
/* Register for mysql jdbc driver class. */
/* Create mysql connection url. */
String mysqlConnUrl = "jdbc:mysql://" + ip + ":" + port + "/" + dbName;
/* Get the mysql Connection object. */
ret = DriverManager.getConnection(mysqlConnUrl, userName , password);
}catch(Exception ex)
return ret;
<terminated> JDBCStatementExamp|e [Java Application] C:\Java\jrel.B.O_131\bin\javaw.exe [Aug 28, 2017, 7:59:53 PM]
Execute sql successfuly, insert into teacher(name, email) values('hello','[email protected]')
Execute sql successfuly, insert into teacher(name, email) values('hello1','[email protected]')
Execute sql successfuly, update teacher set name = 'jerry' where id = 22
id = 21
name = hello
email = [email protected]
id = 22
name = jerry
email = [email protected]
Execute sql successfuly, select * from teacher
Execute sql successfuly, delete from teacher where email = '[email protected]'
id = 21
name = hello
email = [email protected]
Execute sql successfuly, select * from teacher
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