更新时间:2022-12-28 13:15:24 来源:极悦 浏览1779次
Proguard 是一个用纯 Java 编写的混淆工具,有两种使用 JAR 客户端的方法。可以将程序打包成JAR,然后用工具进行混淆,或者导入PROGUARD插件进行代码混淆。在这种情况下,代码对于普通的 JavaWeb 项目来说是混淆的。Maven配置插件如下:
<! - Proguard Confused Plug ->
<! - Confused moments, here is confusing when packaging ->
<! - What is the function of using a plugin, of course confused ->
<! - Whether to install the generated PG file ->
<! - Confusion ->
<! - Specify the generated file classification ->
<! - JDK Target Version 1.8 ->
<option>-target 1.8</option>
<! - Do not contraction (delete comments, not referenced code) ->
<! - Not optimization (change code implementation logic) ->
<! - Do not pass the non-public class files and members ->
<! - No casement of hybrid class mechanism ->
<! - Allow access to and modify the members of the modifier and class members ->
<! - Determine a unified confusing member name to increase confusion ->
<! - Not confused all the package name ->
<! - Requires the properties: unusual, annotation, etc. ->
<option>-keepattributes Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,LocalVariable*Table,*Annotation*,Synthetic,EnclosingMethod</option>
<! - Uncommixed SET / GET Method ->
<!--<option>-keepclassmembers public class * {void set*(***);*** get*();}</option>-->
<! - Unconducted all kinds of names under the package, and the method in the class is not confusing ->
<option>-keep class com.xxx.xxx.bboss.SystemConfig { <methods>; }</option>
<option>-keep class com.xxx.xxx.framework.** { *; }</option>
<option>-keep class com.xxx.xxx.xxx.controller.** { <methods>; }</option>
<option>-keep class com.xxx.xxx.xxx.dao.** { <methods>; }</option>
<option>-keep class com.xxx.xxx.xxx.exception { <methods>; }</option>
<option>-keep class com.xxx.xxx.xxx.model.** { <methods>; }</option>
<! - Class is confused after the JAR package output ->
<! - Add dependencies, here you can modify it, here you can test only a JRE Runtime package is available ->
<! - What to load, only Classes succeed here, after all, you can't confuse the configuration file and JSP ->
<! - Output Directory ->
运行 MVN Clean Package -dskiptests
Classes-pg.jar 很混乱,包含了完整的项目结构。
ProGuard_map.txt 混淆内容映射
ProGuard_seed.txt 参与混淆类
1.有时有时会配置包名或类名,所以需要更改一些相关的配置文件,所以在ProGuard中并不是随机生成类名,而是先将相同的包按照原来的名字排序,混淆了类名是A .Class, B.Class, C.class .....
那么,当包中的类超过26个时,默认命名为A.Class、B.Class、C.Class,在某些操作系统下,会不区分case case case case,会导致错误(水平限制,没有深入的纪律是相关的;因此
<! - 没有混合类机制的案例 - >
# Change the contents of the WAR package classes as confusing packages
cd /root/.jenkins/workspace/mytest_master/target
jar -xvf classes-pg.jar
rm -rf mytest
mkdir mytest
mv mytest.war mytest
cd mytest/
jar -xvf mytest.war
rm -rf WEB-INF/classes/com/
cd ../
cp -rf com mytest/WEB-INF/classes/
cd mytest
jar -cvfM0 mytest.war ./
mv mytest.war ../
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