Class ValidatingMappedConfigurationWrapper<K,​V>

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(K key,
                        V value)
        Description copied from interface: MappedConfiguration
        Adds a keyed object to the service's contribution.
        Specified by:
        add in interface MappedConfiguration<K,​V>
        key - unique id for the value
        value - to contribute
      • addInstance

        public void addInstance​(K key,
                                <? extends V> clazz)
        Description copied from interface: MappedConfiguration
        Adds a keyed object as an instantiated instance (with dependencies injected) of a class. When the value type is an interface and the class to be contributed is a local file, then a reloadable proxy for the value class will be created and contributed.
        Specified by:
        addInstance in interface MappedConfiguration<K,​V>
        key - unique id for the value
        clazz - class to instantiate and contribute
      • override

        public void override​(K key,
                             V value)
        Description copied from interface: MappedConfiguration
        Overrides an existing contribution by its key.
        Specified by:
        override in interface MappedConfiguration<K,​V>
        key - unique id of value to override
        value - new value, or null to remove the key entirely
      • overrideInstance

        public void overrideInstance​(K key,
                                     <? extends V> clazz)
        Description copied from interface: MappedConfiguration
        Overrides an existing contribution with a new instance. When the value type is an interface and the class to be contributed is a local file, then a reloadable proxy for the value class will be created and contributed.
        Specified by:
        overrideInstance in interface MappedConfiguration<K,​V>
        key - unique id of value to override
        clazz - class to instantiate as override